AutobuildZ > Creating 2D Drawing Views Automatically from 3D Models > About Automatically Creating Drawing Views of the Part
About Automatically Creating Drawing Views of the Part
AutobuildZ has the ability to automatically create drawing views based on the 3D part created from the 2D imported drawing. You must make sure that Create automatic drawings in the Preferences dialog box is selected.
The drawing view of the 3D model that is created on the new drawing sheet is identical to the orthographic view that you have defined on the original drawing sheet using View Setup. AutobuildZ also maintains the same location and scale in the view it creates on the new drawing sheet to match the view defined on the original drawing sheet. If you remove a view on the original drawing sheet using View Setup, the corresponding view or views are removed from the new drawing sheet containing drawing views of the 3D model. If you define new views on the original drawing sheet, the identical view is also created on the new drawing sheet with the appropriate location and scale.
If you set up a new part using View Setup, and Create automatic drawings is not selected in the Preferences dialog box, a dialog box is displayed with options to have AutobuildZ automatically create the drawing views for this new part. If you choose to have AutobuildZ automatically generate the drawing views, Create automatic drawings is checked and saved, and the new drawing sheet is created. No new drawing sheet with the views of the 3D part is created if you choose not to have AutobuildZ automatically create the drawing views. However, you can manually create a drawing sheet with the views of the 3D part using the tools provided in Detail.
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