Optimizing the Design
1. Click Analysis > Mass Properties. The Mass Properties dialog box opens.
2. Click Preview.
Note the total mass of the model as displayed in the Mass Properties dialog box.
3. Click OK in the Mass Properties dialog box.
4. In the Model Tree expand Group LOCAL_GROUP_2.
5. Select Sketch 2.
6. Click Model > Extrude to open the Extrude tab and perform the following actions:
a. Click Extrude as solid.
b. Click to change depth direction of the extrude.
c. Click Remove Material.
d. In the Options tab change the depth option from Blind to To Next.
e. Click to apply and save any changes you have made in the Extrude tool.
7. In the Model Tree select Sketch 3.
8. Click Model > Extrude to open the Extrude tab and perform the following actions:
a. Click Extrude as solid.
b. Click to change depth direction of extrude to other side of sketch.
c. Click Remove Material.
d. In the Options tab change the depth option from Blind to To Next.
e. Click to apply and save any changes you have made in the Extrude tool.
9. Select Extrude 4 and 5 in the Model Tree. Press CTRL for multiple selections.
10. Click Model > Mirror. The Mirror tab opens.
11. Select RIGHT as the mirror reference.
12. Click to apply and save any changes you have made in the Mirror tool.
13. In the Model Tree expand Sweep 1.
14. Click Section 1, right-click, and select from the shortcut menu.
15. Change the diameter from 10 to 13.5.
16. Click Regenerate in the Quick Access Toolbar.
17. Click Analysis > Mass Properties. The Mass Properties dialog box opens.
18. Click Preview. Notice that the total mass of the model has increased.
19. Click OK.
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