Creo Simulate > Getting Started with Creo Simulate > Online Help > Supplemental Online Documents for Simulate
Supplemental Online Documents for Simulate
In addition to its online help, there are a variety of online documents to help increase the ease, confidence, and success with which you use the software. These supplemental online documents are longer than the help screens.
Following is a list of supplemental online documents, grouped into sets to meet possible needs that arise in your use of the product.
Using Creo Simulate
Updates—This is a link to the hardware support page that gives details of the hardware compatibility, supported platforms, and supported finite element solvers.
Long-Term Limitations—Lists long-term limitations you will encounter when using Creo Simulate.
Icons Used in Simulate—Illustrates and briefly describes icons that Creo Simulate uses.
Bibliography—Lists references to books and articles on topics relevant to Creo Simulate.
Glossary for Simulate—Contains brief definitions of terms.
Designing Process Guide Templates—Describes the format and construction for Process Guide templates. Includes a complete description of all objects you can include in the template.
Creo Simulate Files
Database Considerations—Discusses the database, file interactions, file management commands you can use during sessions, and some guidelines for using Creo Simulate with Windchill.
Files Created by Simulate—Describes files that Creo Simulate creates.
FEM Neutral Format File—Provides details on the FEM neutral format files used to transfer FEM model information to FEA solvers and Creo Simulate.
Creo Simulate Background
Understanding Fatigue Analysis—Provides background information on fatigue and describes the methodology used in fatigue analysis.
Shell Property Equations—Describes how the mechanical properties of shells are represented mathematically in Creo Simulate.
Verification Guide—Presents a series of problems based on finite element models for which analytic solutions are known, and compares Creo Simulate results to the textbook results.
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