To Define a Goal for an Optimization Study
This procedure assumes that you are in the Optimization Study Definition dialog box and that you selected Optimization as the study Type.
1. If you select the Type as Optimization, Creo Simulate adds the Goal area with the goal definition fields to the dialog box.
◦ Minimize
◦ Maximize
◦ Minimize Absolute Value
◦ Maximize Absolute Value
4. Select the measure that you want to minimize or maximize and click OK.
Creo Simulate returns you to the Optimization Study Definition dialog box and displays the analyses that include the selected measure.
5. If you defined more than one analysis of the relevant type, select the required Analysis from the drop-down list.
6. If you included more than one load set for a static, prestress static, or steady-state thermal analysis, use the
Loadset drop-down list to select a different
load set for which you want the measure to be evaluated.
7. If you selected a modal and prestress modal analysis, select a
mode number from the
Mode drop-down list.