Settings Tab
Use this tab on the Simulation Display dialog box that opens when you click on the Graphics toolbar to control the appearance of the icons on your model. When you create certain entities, the software places an icon on the associated geometry. Icons enable you to keep track of entities you apply, let you select these entities for editing or deletion, and give you an idea of where you placed these items. Displaying or hiding the icons or entities on your model allows you to simplify the model's appearance making it easier to view specific areas when necessary.
You can control the appearance of some simulation entities like loads, constraints, beams, fasteners, masses, and shells by selecting:
Shaded—Displays the entity as a shaded solid so that objects behind the entity are not visible.
Wireframe—Displays the icon or entity in a line format.
Transparent—Displays the entity in a transparent mode so that objects behind the entity are clearly visible.
Outline—Displays the entity as a surface outline.
You can also control the display of the value or name of a simulation entity.
You can also use the Z-buffer or display the depth information of icons in your model. For a particular view of a model, the objects in the foreground closer to the viewer are displayed. If you enable Z-buffering, the objects in the background farther away from the screen plane or view can be fully or partially hidden by the solid or other objects that are closer to the screen plane.
These options are available on the Settings tab:
Setting Type
Default Value
Common Settings
Display Names
Displays or hides name tags of idealizations and all other entities except for loads or constraints.
No names
Z-Buffer Icons
Enables or disables the use of Z-buffering for icons.
Z- Buffer on
Display Icons While Spinning
Turns icons on or off when model spins.
Icons on
Display Current Csys Triad
Displays or hides the current coordinate system triad in the lower right corner of the display window.
Csys triad not displayed
Loads and Constraints
Displays loads and constraints in shaded or wireframe mode.
Displays 3D beams in one of the following modes:
Displays 3D fasteners in one of the following modes:
Displays 3D shells in one of the following modes:
Displays 3D masses in one of the following modes:
If Order Independent is selected in the Transparency setting in the Model Display page of the Creo Simulate Options dialog box, beams, shells and masses are displayed transparent by default.
Enables or disables zoom insensitive for 3D icons of loads, constraints and masses. Accessible only for shaded mode of Loads and Constraints and shaded and transparent modes of Masses.
Zoom-insensitive selected
Load and Constraint Display
Displays load and constraint icons or turn them off.
Icons on
Displays or hides load or constraint names.
Names displayed
Displays or hides load or constraint values.
Values displayed
Icons: Scale
Scales load icons with the given coefficient.
Default size
Distribution: Density
Displays or hides distributed vectors over geometry. The spin box controls the density of distribution vectors displayed on edges, curves and surfaces. It can take values from 1 to 10.
Distribution icons on. The density displayed is 5.
Highlight Refs when Selected
Toggles highlighting of shells, referenced surfaces, edges, or curves with the load or constraint icon or label when the load or constraint is selected.
Arrows Scaled
Scales or do not scales load arrows.
Arrows scaled
Arrow Tails Touching
Displays load arrows with heads or tails touching geometry for loads applied to shells and beams. For loads applied to solids, the arrow is outside of the solid.
Heads touching
Mesh Control Display
Display Mesh Controls or Display AutoGEM Controls
Displays or hides AutoGEM or mesh control icons.
Mesh control icons displayed
Display Names
Displays or hides AutoGEM or mesh control names.
Mesh control names hidden
Display Values
Displays or hides AutoGEM or mesh control values.
Mesh control values displayed
To change the default values of these settings you must change the values of the respective configuration options in the configuration option file.
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