Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Navigation Area Task Status
Navigation Area Task Status
Creo Simulate uses a variety of symbols to indicate the status of each task in the Navigation area of the Process Guide dialog box. These symbols are as follows:
Complete. You completed the task successfully. If a single task consists of multiple subtasks, Process Guide marks the main task as complete only after you complete all the subtasks.
Not valid. You previously completed the task successfully, but now the task is not valid. Task invalidation can occur if you are working with a model outside Process Guide and delete a simulation entity—a load, for example—that you had created in a Process Guide session. In this case, Process Guide uses this symbol to mark the task as not valid when you re-enter that session.
Not complete but valid. You have not yet completed the task.
Not complete and not valid. You have not yet completed the task, nor can you complete it until you complete another Process Guide task that this task depends on. For example, in a task list that includes both a load set creation task and an analysis task, this symbol appears next to the analysis task until you complete the load set creation task. This is because you cannot run an analysis without first creating a load set on the model.
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