Mesh Numbering (FEM mode)
Click Home and then click the arrow next to Control. Click Mesh Numbering to open the Mesh Numbering Control dialog box to set a different node and element ID range for a component. In addition, this mesh control sets a different ID range for entities local to the mesh. Examples of such entities include shell properties, beam properties, contact properties, loads, constraints, coordinate systems, materials, and so forth.
These mesh controls are useful in two situations:
To resolve conflicts between top-level assembly mesh IDs and component mesh IDs. When Creo Simulate numbers nodes, elements, and local mesh entities for top-level assembly components, it always starts with 1 regardless of the numbering of any pre-meshed components. You can use Mesh Numbering mesh controls to set the top-level assembly mesh ID range to a number higher than that of any of the pre-meshed components.
To resolve conflicts that occur if two pre-meshed components have node, element, and local mesh entity IDs that partially or wholly overlap. However, you cannot use this technique to resolve ID conflicts between two instances of a pre-meshed component within the same assembly. In this case, you need to use the Mesh ID Offset mesh control applied from the top-level assembly.
Mesh numbering controls that are created for a part are not applicable at the assembly level. In the assembly they are displayed in the model tree with the icon—
Specify the following items in the dialog box:
Name—Specify a name for the control or use the default name.
First ID—Specify the first ID for the nodes, elements, and local mesh entities.
Increment—Specify the ID increment for the nodes, elements, and local mesh entities.
Last ID—Specify the last ID for the nodes, elements, and local mesh entities. You can leave this item blank.
If meshing generates a mesh ID that is higher than the value you specify for Last ID, the software displays a message warning that there are conflicts in the mesh and stops the mesh. You can resolve this problem by increasing the Last ID value.
For assemblies, the software defines these IDs for the top-level model only. If you switch to part mode to resolve an ID conflict within the assembly, be sure the new range for the part does not conflict with the range of another assembly component not previously in conflict.
The mesh generator only respects Mesh Numbering mesh controls if you apply them to unmeshed components. If a component has a mesh, the mesh generator silently ignores these mesh controls.
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