Measures Dialog Box
This dialog box opens when you click Home > Measures.
The Measures dialog box displays the following information:
All measures that you have defined for the current model.
The predefined measures if you have selected the Show Predefined Measures check box.
Descriptions if any that you entered when you defined the measure.
Use these buttons to work with measures:
1. New—Create a new measure.
2. Edit—Review and edit an existing measure.
3. Copy—Copy an existing measure. Copying measures is useful if you want to apply the same type of measure to several different datum points.
In this case, make sure that you edit each copy of the measure to select the appropriate point.
You can copy more than one measure at a time. To do so, simply select more than one measure from the User-Defined list and click Copy.
You can also copy and apply multiple At Point measures to multiple points. To do so, select one or more At Point measures and click copy. Use the Multiple Measure Copy dialog box that opens to name and apply the measures to points.
4. Delete—Delete an existing measure. You can delete more than one measure at a time. To do so, simply select more than one measure from the User-Defined list and click Delete.
Note that if you delete a measure that you have selected as a convergence quantity for an analysis, or as a goal or limit in an optimization design study, you should redefine the analysis or design study to ensure that it is still valid.
Additionally, if you delete a measure upon which another measure depends, Creo Simulate deletes the dependent measure as well. For example, if you delete a measure referenced by a computed measure, Creo Simulate deletes both the measure you select and the computed measure.
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