To Create a Process Guide Template
This procedure describes how to create a basic process guide template using the Process Guide Template dialog box. You can also create a process guide using an XML or text editor.
1. Click Tools > Edit Template. The Process Guide Template dialog box opens.
The dialog box displays a single task Modeltype. This first task is mandatory. You can modify the value of the type attribute for this task.
2. Click to add a new task to the task list. The task attributes are displayed on the right pane of the dialog box.
3. Type a name for the label or accept the default name. This is the task name which appears in the task list.
4. Select a task from the Task Type drop-down list. Depending on the selected task type, additional attributes are displayed.
5. Specify values for the remaining attributes. For more information on the task attributes refer to Model Objects and Attributes.
If the visibility attribute for a task is On, then the description of that task must not be blank. You need not specify a description if visibility is Off.
For a mapkey task, type the mapkey sequence in the Name field.
6. Type a description for the task. You cannot save a process guide template without typing text in this field. You cannot use the characters <, >, or | for the description.
7. For all the tasks except the Info tasks, select appropriate description text and click Insert > Action Link.
When you run the process guide using the template, the action link is displayed as a link in the instruction area of the Process Guide dialog box. You click the action link to open dialog boxes specific to a task.
8. Select the appropriate text for the description and click Insert > Default Help Link to display the default Help topic for a particular task. To specify an alternate Help topic, click Insert > Specified Help Link and type the path for the Help topic. The Help path is a path relative to the Help system load point. For example, for the topic “Datum Point” you must type pma/simulation_modules/modstr/features/reference/datpt_top. You can also type a 32 character long tooltip.
If you want a task to link to a web link, then select text in the description and click Insert > Web Link. The Edit Hyperlink dialog box opens. Type the URL or an internal link that you want to link to. You can also type a 32 character long tooltip that will appear for that web link.
This step is optional.
9. Repeat steps 2 through 8 for all the tasks that you want to add to the process guide template.
10. Click to save the process guide template.
For a template file with Japanese characters, after saving the template, manually edit the template using a text editor to add the following line at the top in the header element:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="SHIFT_JIS"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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