Controlling an AutoGEM Mesh
Click Refine Model and then click the arrow next to to select one of the mesh control options to set mesh distribution in your model. With the AutoGEM controls you can perform the following mesh refinements:
• Control the size and refinement of elements in a mesh by specifying the number of nodes that you want Creo Simulate to create along selected edges and by indicating the node placement interval. During mesh creation, Creo Simulate creates elements that comply with the number and interval you specify.
• Insert more nodes on specified edges than AutoGEM would normally create.
• Control the size of elements by specifying the maximum element size.
• Control creation of elements in a mesh by ignoring edges or datum curves with lengths smaller than or equal to the length you specify. You can also choose to retain such edges or curves during mesh creation.
• Isolate
singularities in the model with a boundary layer of elements to exclude from engine computations during analyses. You can also choose to ignore stresses in excluded elements when computing the local relative error estimate.
• Guide the mesh creation process by selecting points on the model at which element nodes are created.
• Guide the mesh creation process by selecting curves on the model at which element edges are created.
• Control the edge lengths of elements that are created adjacent to concave surfaces such as fillets and holes in the model.
• Control the type of elements used for meshing by creating prismatic elements controls.
When you click the arrow next to > you can select one of the following AutoGEM controls:
Maximum Element Size—Select components, volumes, surfaces, edges, or curves and specify maximum element size for all elements that are contained in or touch the selected entity. This is the default mesh control type.
Edge Length By Curvature—Select components, surfaces, or surface sets and specify the ratio of the edge lengths of elements that are adjacent to concave surfaces to the radius of curvature of these concave surfaces. You can exclude curved surfaces with a radius of curvature below a specific value.
Minimum Edge Length—Specify the edge length. Normally, AutoGEM meshes all edges in your model. However, if you apply this mesh control, AutoGEM ignores edges with lengths smaller than or equal to the length you have specified. You can also choose to retain such edges or curves during mesh creation.
Isolate for Exclusion—Select points, edges, curves, and surfaces from the model to isolate during analysis. The selected geometry is isolated and, optionally, excluded while computing convergence and measures during analyses. You can also exclude pre-selected singularities such as reentrant corners, loads, and constraints defined at a point or an edge. In the Thermal mode, you can exclude pre-selected singularities such as reentrant corners, heat loads, convection condition, and the prescribed temperature defined at a point or an edge.
Hard Point—Select points, point features or point patterns on the model to guide the mesh creation process.
Creo Simulate creates an element node at each of the selected points.
Hard Curve—Select datum curves on the model to guide the mesh creation process.
Creo Simulate creates element edges along each of the selected curves.
Hard Surface—Select individual quilt surfaces, entire multisurface quilts or datum planes that intersect a solid, to control the distribution of solid elements. During meshing, the internal faces of elements are aligned along these selected surfaces inside the solid.
Edge Distribution—Select surface edges or curves and specify the number of nodes associated with these edges.
Prismatic Elements—Select regions of the model that can be meshed with bricks and wedges if they meet the required conditions of prismatic elements.
Thin Solid—Select a set of thin surface regions in your model that you want to mesh with brick and wedge type elements if the surface regions meet the
required conditions of thin solid.
Mapped Mesh—Select regions of the model for which you want to create a structured mesh.
Ignored AutoGEM Control—Select the types of AutoGEM controls that you want the mesh generator to ignore at the assembly level.
| In the case of the maximum element size and minimum edge length controls, the numbers that you specify serve as a target that AutoGEM tries to reach. They act as a guideline for element creation but may not be reached exactly. |