To Reorder Sequences
You can reorder output sequences and group them by NC sequence name, tool, or reference part.
1. From the NC Seq tabbed page, click > . The SMM Optimize dialog box opens.
2. Select a set to optimize from the Optsets window.
3. Click Order. The following options are available:
◦ Manual Order—Specify the order of performing the NC sequences manually in the SMM NC Sequence Order dialog box.
◦ Part Order—Specify the order of reference parts in the SMM PART ORDER dialog box.
◦ Type Priority—Specify the order based on types in the SMM Type Order dialog box.
◦ Tool Change—Specify the order of tools in the SMM TOOL ORDER dialog box.
◦ Tool Travel—Specify the order of travels in the SMM Travel Order dialog box.
4. Depending on the option selected, NC sequence names, tool names, or reference part names (including all the nested instances) are listed in an editor window of the dialog box. Use the following options to reorder them as desired:
—Move the name selected in the editor window up by one position.
—Move the name selected in the editor window down by one position.
—Specify the new position for the name selected in the editor window . If you move to a lower position on the list, the selected name is placed after the new position picked; if you move to a position higher on the list, the selected name is placed before the position picked.
—Specify a new position for the name selected in the editor window by entering a new position number.
5. Click OK.
6. From the SMM Optimize dialog box, click OK. The sequence is reordered.