電気設計 > Using Ladder Diagrams > To Create a Ladder Diagram
To Create a Ladder Diagram
A reference zone must exist before you can create a ladder diagram. Also, a spool must be active. If none is active you are prompted to select one.
1. Create a reference zone. Use this reference zone to create the rails and wires to make up the ladder diagram.
2. Click Insert > Ladder. The CR LADDER menu appears.
3. Click Make Ladder. The Select Spools dialog box opens.
4. Select the required spool and click OK.
5. Select an existing reference zone that you have created. Wires are created over the horizontal division lines in your reference zone and rails are created over the vertical boundary lines in your reference zone, depending on the type of division lines you have selected for the reference zone.
Check the Zone Labels and Zone Grids options in the ENVIRONMENT dialog box to see the reference zone.
6. If rung label templates are available, you can choose a rung label template to use as the default rung label for your ladder diagram.
7. Click Done/Return in the CR LADDER menu.