Set Visibilities Tab
Use this tab on the Simulation Display dialog box to control the visibility of load sets and constraint sets.
By default, Creo Simulate displays a list of all the load sets and the constraint sets, defined for the model, under Load/Constraint Sets on the Set Visibilities tab.
Select the load sets and the constraint sets that you want made visible in the Creo Parametric browser.
If you are working on an assembly, you can select the load sets and the constraint sets from the components of the assembly. When you click the Show Loads and Constraints from Components check box, the load and the constraint sets from the components are listed under Load/Constraint Sets on the Set Visibilities tab. Select the load sets or the constraint sets that you want made visible in the Creo Parametric browser.
You can use the sim_display_loads_from_components configuration option to set the default state of the Show Loads and Constraints from Components check box. The default value for the configuration option is "yes". The Show Loads and Constraints from Components check box is selected by default. If you set the configuration option to "no", Show Loads and Constraints from Components check box is not selected and Creo Simulate does not display loads and constraints defined for components in an assembly.
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