Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Working with the Process Guide Dialog Box
Working with the Process Guide Dialog Box
In completing a Process Guide session, you work back and forth between the Navigation and Instruction areas of the Process Guide dialog box. These areas interact as you work. Here is an overview of how to advance through a Process Guide session, completing tasks in the Navigation area and actions in the Instruction area:
1. Select a task in the Navigation area. Creo Simulate changes the information in the Instruction area to reflect the task you selected.
2. Read the information in the Instruction area and select the action link to invoke the dialog box that you must fill out to complete the task.
3. Fill out and close the dialog box. Process Guide marks the status of the current task as complete in the Navigation area.
4. Select the next task and repeat this sequence.
5. After you complete all the tasks listed in the Navigation area, click Exit. Process Guide saves the current session with the active part or model.
This overview assumes that you complete the Process Guide session without leaving the Process Guide environment. However, because Process Guide stores session data whenever you click Exit, you can interrupt a session whenever you want, when you return, the Process Guide session will be in the state that you left it and you can resume your activities.
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