Distribution for Load
For edges and surfaces, you can select one of the following options on the Force/Moment Load dialog box for specifying how you want to distribute the load you are creating:
Force Per Unit TypeType is either Length, Area, or Volume.
For points, you can select one of the following options on the Force/Moment Load dialog box:
Total Load—Distribute the load across all the points you select. In this case, Creo Simulate divides the load you specify by the number of points to determine the load that each point will bear. For example, if you specify a load of 100 pounds and select 4 points, each point will bear a 25 pound load.
Load Per Point—Apply the load you specify to each of the points you select. In other words, if you specify a load of 100 pounds and select 4 points, each point will bear a 100 pound load.
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