To Create a Coordinate System
1. Click Refine Model > Coordinate System. The Coordinate System dialog box opens.
2. Select Cartesian, Cylindrical, or Spherical from the Type option menu.
3. Select reference geometry for the coordinate system as follows:
If you want to create the coordinate system for an entire assembly, select assembly datum geometry as the coordinate system references.
If you want to create the coordinate system for a part or a single part assembly component, select geometry on the part as the coordinate system references.
4. Complete the tabs on the dialog box to define the coordinate system.
For more information on the dialog box and how to define coordinate systems, search the Part Modeling functional area of the Creo Parametric Help Center.
5. Click OK. The coordinate system appears in the model.
If you want to make this coordinate system the current coordinate system, see To Set a Current Coordinate System.
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