About Beams
A beam is a one-dimensional idealization that, in three dimensions, represents a structure whose length is much greater than its other two dimensions. You create a beam by specifying the cross-section shape and position, the degrees of freedom at the beam ends, and the location of the beam with respect to the axis where Creo Simulate applies the beam load. Creo Simulate sees beams slightly differently in native mode and FEM mode.
Native mode—A beam has a constant cross section that maintains the same dimensions from end to end. When you define your beam, you specify the section shape and size, and the orientation for the start of the beam only.
FEM mode—A beam can have a variable cross section. In other words, you can create a tapered beam, in which the start has one dimension or shape and the end, another. You can also select a different section shape and a different orientation for the beam start and end. If your beam has different section shapes at the two ends, Creo Simulate interpolates the cross section.
Tapered beams are displayed with:
Linear interpolation of the standard section shape if you select the same type of standard sections for the beam start and end.
Two circular sections at the two ends if you select different types of standard or sketched sections for the beam start and end.
FEM mode allows you to create trusses as well as beams.
When you click Refine Model > Beam, the Beam Definition dialog box opens. Use this dialog box to create beams in native mode, and to create beams and trusses in FEM mode. To manage beam properties, click Refine Model and then click the arrow next to Beam. Click
There are three coordinate systems that govern the way Creo Simulate defines and analyzes beams. To understand how to use these coordinate systems to design your beams and to obtain the desired results for your beam read Beam Coordinate Systems.
You can control the visibility and display of beams on your model by clicking Simulation Display on the Graphics toolbar to open the Simulation Display dialog box, or by placing them on layers.
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