To Include or Exclude a Loop
1. On the Mold or Cast tab, click Silhouette Curve. The Silhouette Curve tab opens.
2. Click and select one or more surfaces of a reference model body. If a single body reference model exists in an assembly, the model is automatically selected. Alternatively, you can select the required surfaces or reference model body surfaces on the Reference tab.
3. Click the Light Direction Collector and select a surface, curve, edge, axis, plane, or coordinate system to specify the light direction.
4. Click the Loop Selection tab to open a list of all existing loops. The loops are highlighted in the Graphics window. By default, the Loops sub-tab is selected and all loops are included.
The Include New Loops check box is clicked, by default. It indicates that any new loop created as a result of creation or redefinition of a silhouette curve, or modifications in the design model is included in the silhouette curve. Clear the check box to exclude new loops.
When you click the Loop Selection tab, the open and closed loops are highlighted in different colors. However, the preview highlighting of the silhouette curve feature overlaps with the loop highlighting. To view the open and closed loops clearly, click to turn off the preview of the final silhouette feature.
5. On the Loops sub-tab, point to the loop that you want to exclude.
6. Click a loop to highlight it in the Graphics window.
You can drag and select multiple loops in the Graphics window or on the Loops sub-tab.
7. Click the Include or Exclude status next to the loop number and select an appropriate option. The excluded loop is highlighted as a dashed line. Alternatively, you can right-click the loops and then click Options to select an appropriate status.
8. Click the Chains sub-tab to open a list of all existing chains in the included loops. The chains in the excluded loops are not listed. By default, all upper chains are selected. The chains are uniquely numbered in the list.
9. Click the chain that you want to modify. The chain is highlighted in the Graphics window. You can drag and select multiple chains in the Graphics window or on the Chains sub-tab.
10. Click the Upper or Lower status next to the chain number and select an appropriate status. Alternatively, you can right-click the chains and then click Options to select an appropriate status.
You can right-click loops or chains and then click the Select All or Deselect All option to respectively select or deselect all loops or chains.
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