The Close Loop Menu
The CLOSE LOOP menu contains the following commands:
Define—Define closure instructions for the volume.
Delete—Remove the closure instructions for the volume.
Redefine—Redefine a closure instruction.
Show—Display the closures on the current volume.
The CLOSURE check boxes specify how the current volume should be enclosed.
Cap Plane—Specify a plane to "seal off" or enclose the volume.
All Loops—Seal the openings of all holes in a selected surface.
Sel Loops—Seal the openings of selected holes in a selected surface.
While other referenced geometry necessarily has to belong to the reference model, (the workpiece or die block geometry is not available for the first two steps or bottom edges), the cap plane can be any planar surface or datum plane. You can select a plane that belongs to the workpiece or the reference model, or create a datum plane by clicking Make Datum on the SETUP PLANE menu.
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