Modifying Parting Curves
The endpoints of parting curves that the system creates for adjacent part surfaces may not always coincide. In these cases you should modify the parting curves to create a single curve that always represents the maximum amount of draft required.
Several options are available from the DRAFT LINE menu to modify draft lines and parting curves:
Project—Create and place parting curves manually. Sketch datum curves on a plane and project them onto the parting surface.
Split—Split the draft curves or parting curves. You have the option to remove unwanted curves.
Connect—Connect sections of the split parting curves.
Include—Include a user defined datum curve as part of the draft line.
Exclude—Delete unneeded curve portions.
Delete Last—Delete the last draft line action.
Redefine—Change the definition of a draft line segment.
Show Crv—Show the parting curve.
Info—Open a window listing reference part name, draft line name, draft line feature ID, and draft line feature number.
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