Progettazione di stampi e colata > Applying Shrinkage > Applying Shrinkage by Dimension
Applying Shrinkage by Dimension
When specifying shrinkage values, keep in mind:
Entering a negative shrink ratio shrinks the dimension, while a positive shrink ratio expands it.
Shrinkage by dimension values are not cumulative. For example, if you specify 1.5 as overall shrinkage factor for a cube 10x10x10, and then specify 2.0 for one of the sides, the distance along the side is 20, not 30. Individual shrinkage values for dimensions always supersede the overall model shrink value.
The configuration file option shrinkage_value_display determines how dimensions are displayed when shrinkage is applied to a model. The two options are:
By default, whenever a part has shrinkage information associated with it, the nominal dimension values are displayed followed by the shrinkage value in parentheses. In this case, shrinkage is represented as percentage of the nominal dimension. You can also display the final value of the shrunk dimensions by changing the value of the configuration file option shrinkage_value_display to final_value.
If the part is shrunk, dimensions appear in magenta; if the part is not currently shrunk, dimensions remain displayed in yellow.
If you want shrunk dimensions to be displayed as their final values, you must specify the configuration file option in the drawing setup file.
The shrinkage percent value is displayed for information purposes only; you cannot change the value by selecting it.
You should not specify overall dimension shrinkage for a model if the model contains external references or imported data.
For multi-model molds or castings, when dimension shrinkage is applied to a specific reference model, all merged reference models in the current mold or cast model that are based on the same design model are shrunk. The other reference models in the mold or cast model remain unaffected. On the other hand, if you have several reference models inherited from a design model, they are shrunk independently.
Shrinkage by dimensions affects only features created or reordered prior to the shrinkage feature.
You can suppress or delete Shrinkage features. The shrinkage value then disappears.
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