The Operation Tab
Set elements for creating an operation using the following tabs:
• Clearance—Provide values for the following optional fields on this tab:
Retract—Specify how the tool retracts between the probe motions,
◦ Type—Specify the retract type for the operation.
◦ Reference—Specify the retract reference. If you specify a retract surface, CMM generates the approach and retract motions for the measurement step along this surface. The following options are available on the shortcut menu of this option.
▪ Default Reference—Select to replace the selected reference with the orientation coordinate system.
▪ Information—Select to view the information of the selected reference.
◦ Tolerance—Controls maximum deviation of the tool when it moves along a non-planar retract surface. The default is 0.1" (in English units) or 1 mm (in metric units).
◦ From—Create or select a datum point to specify the start position of the cutting tool for the operation.
◦ Home—Create or select a datum point to specify the end position of the cutting tool for the operation.
Alternatively, right-click the graphics window and select Retract, Head 1 Home point, and Head 1 From point from the shortcut menu.
• Parameters—Provide values for the following optional fields on this tab:
◦ PARTNO—Displays the default part name. You can type another name if required. The part name, is output with the PARTNO command using PPRINT. Right-click, and select Default to set it back to the system default (the name of the manufacturing assembly for Assembly machining, and the name of the workpiece for Part machining).
◦ Startup File—Type the name of the file you want to be included at the very beginning of the operation CL file (after the PARTNO, MACHIN, and UNITS commands). The file must be located in your current working directory and have the extension .ncl.
◦ Shutdown File— Type the name of the file you want to be included at the very end of the operation CL file. The file must be located in your current working directory and have the extension .ncl.
◦ Output NCL File—Displays the default name for the operation cutter location (CL) data file. You can type any name. Right-click, and select Default to set it back to the system default.
The operation CL file is located at the path specified using the pro_mf_cl_dir configuration option.
• Fixture Setup—Optionally, define a fixture setup as an element of the operation.
This tab contains icons for creating, modifying, and deleting fixture setups. The drop-down list contains the names of all the fixture setups defined for the operation, with the name of the currently active setup displayed in the list box.
—Click to insert a fixture component.
Alternatively, right-click the graphics window and select Assemble.
—Click to open the
Select Feature dialog box containing a list of fixture setups. Select a fixture from the list and click
• On the Properties tab, optionally specify the operation name or comments. The operation name identifies the operation within the manufacturing process. The default operation names have the format OP010 [MILL01], OP020 [MILLTURN02], where the number gets automatically incremented by the system and the text in brackets denotes the workcenter.
• Select one of the following options depending on your requirement:
◦ Click

to save the changes.
◦ Click

to pause the process of creating the operation and use one of the asynchronous tools. Click

to resume.
◦ Click

to cancel the changes.