Tutorial 1 - Natural Convection
Natural Convection: Overview
This tutorial simulates natural convection in a concentric annulus. Natural convection is a phenomenon in which fluid motion happens due to density differences between the fluid layers caused by temperature gradients, in the absence of other external forces. The inner wall temperature of the concentric annulus is 373K, which is 46K higher than the temperature of the outer wall. The working fluid is air. You can see the geometry and conditions for the simulation in the figure below:
1. Outer Radius = 0.04628 m
Specified Temperature = 327 K
2. Inner Radius = 0.0178 m
Specified Temperature = 373 K
3. Top and Bottom Surfaces = Symmetry
Air Viscosity = 3.548e-05 Pa.s
Air Conductivity = 0.02614 W/m-K
Air Specific Heat = 1005 J/Kg-K
The exercises in the Flow Analysis simulation are:
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