Vérification de fabrications > VERIFY > Working with Scan Sets > To Place the Scan Set on the Design Model
To Place the Scan Set on the Design Model
1. Select a Constraint Type from the Component Placement dialog box:
Align—Selects a data point from the scan set for alignment to a design model point
Coord Sys—Selects a coordinate system from one model of the scan set of the design model to be aligned
Pnt On Srf—Selects a data point from the scan set to constrain to a design model surface
Default—Selects a fully constrained placement status
2. For the first constraint, click Align and then click a command on the GET SELECT menu (for example, Pick) to select a data point from the scan set for alignment to a design model point.
3. Click CONFIRM > Accept when the design model point turns red. This command is used only with Query Sel.
4. With the GET SELECT menu, select an aligning point or vertex on the design model. A red cross appears on the location.
5. For the second constraint, again select a data point from the scan set. The Scan Set Point appears in the message area, for example:
X= 0.8148, Y= 2.0909, Z=0.3269 in model MF_PART
6. Click CONFIRM > Accept or Next.
7. For the third restraint, click Align or Pnt On Srf.
8. To preview the placement, click Preview. You can change the placement later.
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