Click Run > Start or click Start run button on the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box to start the run of a selected analysis or design study.
You can use one of the following methods to start an analysis or design study run:
Run directly from within Creo Simulate by clicking Run > Start or Start button on the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.
Run from your operating system command prompt. Create the input files for each study by clicking Run > Batch on the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box. You can then run each study in succession by using the mecbatch command.
Creo Simulate gives you the following feedback before starting a run:
If you enter an invalid design study, you will see an error message.
Creo Simulate asks if you want interactive diagnostics during the run.
If you set the configuration option, sim_invoke_diagnostics_on_run to yes, Creo Simulate runs the interactive diagnostics without any prompt. If you set the configuration option to "prompt", Creo Simulate prompts you to confirm the run of the interactive diagnostics. If you set the configuration option to "no", Creo Simulate does not run the interactive diagnostics.
If your study is a candidate for a regeneration analysis but no other analysis type, the Run Mode Choice dialog box appears, enabling you to:
run the study within the current Creo Parametric session. The study runs faster, but you cannot work in Creo Parametric while the study proceeds.
run the study as a separate task while you continue working in the same Creo Parametric session