Display Type Area
Use this area to define the way you want Creo Simulate to display your results. The design study or quantity you select can make one or more of the display types unavailable on the list.
These items can appear on the Display Type list:
Fringe—Displays a graphical representation of your model, showing the measurements of the quantity you specify as filled color regions—each corresponding to a numeric range calculated by the analysis or design study. You can also create a contour plot using this display type.
Vectors—Displays a graphical representation of your model, showing the measurements and directions of the quantity you specify as colored vector arrows. This display type is not available in FEM mode.
Graph—Displays a graph of your model's behavior. Graphs display the relationship between a quantity and the graph location, such as P-loop pass, curve or edge, time, or frequency.
Model—Displays your model's geometry in its original or deformed state. Model representations are useful if you want to show a simple animation of how your model deforms or if you want to show the optimized shape of your model. This display type is not available for Thermal.
You can query linearized stresses for your model by selecting Fringe as the display type and Stress as the quantity. When the result window displays, select Linearized Stress from the Home tab.