Creo NC Sheetmetal > Contouring NC Sequences > To Specify the Approach and Exit Motion
To Specify the Approach and Exit Motion
1. In the SMT MFG MACHINING dialog box, click the NC Seq tabbed page and select the required NC sequence.
2. Click Operate > Redefine. The SMT NC SEQUENCE dialog box opens.
3. Select Approach/Exit and click Define. The Approach and Exit Motion dialog box opens.
4. Select one or more of the following options:
Click the type of Lead In position that you want.
First Point of Start Edge—Starts the cut at the first point of the start edge.
Middle Point of Start Edge—Starts the cut in the middle of the start edge
Click the type of Approach Motion that you want, and specify the required values, if any, in the corresponding boxes.
None—Uses the default start point without approach motion.
Linear—Sets the approach distance and angle that you specify.
Tangent—Sets the approach radius and angle that you specify.
Click the type of Exit Motion that you want, and specify the required values, if any, in the corresponding boxes.
None—Uses the default start point without any approach motion.
Linear—Sets the approach distance and angle that you specify.
Tangent—Sets the approach radius and angle that you specify.
5. Click Preview to view the results.
6. Click Done in the APPROACH/EXIT MOTION and SMT NC SEQUENCE dialog boxes.