To Merge the Spherical Centers of Scan Sets
1. Click > > .
2. Give the scan set a name, and the Scan Set Create dialog box opens.
3. Click the Point Set open folder icon to open the File/Open browser.
4. Select a point cloud from the browser and click OK.
5. Under Units, select a unit of measurement for the scan set. In the option Other Unit, you can define and name your own unit.
6. Click Add to define an entity (one point defining the center of a sphere in a scan set) in the Gauge ball centers option.
7. Select a data point on the displayed scan set.
8. Click OK. The name of the entity is listed in the Gauge ball centers window. By clicking the name, you can highlight the entity on scan set.
You must define at least three entities to define the center of a sphere on the scan set.
9. If it is necessary to reposition the scan set relative to the model, click > to open the Component Placement dialog box. Use the options on this dialog box to reposition the scan set.
10. Repeat steps 3 through 8 to define a second spherical center of a second scan set.
11. Merge scan sets from the > menu.