Creo Simulate > 建模“结构和热”问题 > 连接 > 紧固件 > Opening Models with Fasteners Created in Pre-Creo Simulate 1.0 Releases
Opening Models with Fasteners Created in Pre-Creo Simulate 1.0 Releases
When you open a model with fasteners created in Wildfire 5.0 and earlier releases you must review the fastener before using the model. Ensure that the new Creo Simulate fasteners best represent the design intent. Also note the following points for such fasteners:
Advanced fasteners created in Wildfire 5.0 and earlier releases had three control options for Fix Separation, namely—on, off and automatic. Simple fasteners had an automatic fix separation control.
Use the sim_wf5_fastener_fix_separation configuration option to control the setting of the Fix Separation check box during conversion from a previous release in which Fix Separation was set to Automatic:
default—simple fasteners or fasteners which had Fix Separation set to Automatic are converted automatically.
yes—simple fasteners or fasteners which had Fix Separation set to Automatic are converted with the Fix Separation check box selected.
no—simple fasteners or fasteners which had Fix Separation set to Automatic are converted with the Fix Separation check box cleared.
You must clear the Fix Separation check box if there is a contact or bonded interface between the fastened parts.
Use the sim_wf5_fastener_frictionless configuration option to control the setting of the Frictionless Interface check box during conversion of fasteners from a pre-Creo release.
default—simple fasteners are converted automatically.
yes—simple fasteners are converted with the Frictionless Interface check box selected.
no—simple fasteners are converted with the Frictionless Interface check box cleared.
If a simple fastener is found to be connecting solids and if the configuration option sim_wf5_fastener_fix_separation is set to no then the Frictionless Interface check box is not visible after conversion.
Advanced fasteners are converted with the Frictionless Interface check box selected if they were created with the Carries Shear check box selected. If Carries Shear was cleared, then Frictionless Interface is cleared in the converted fastener.
The configuration option sim_wf5_fastener_frictionless has no effect in this case.
Fasteners will be created with Connecting Shells selected if they satisfy the following conditions:
Have point-to-point references.
Have edge-to-edge references and at least one selected edge reference is on a quilt.
Have edge-to-edge references and at least one selected edge reference is on a solid where shell pairs have been defined.