About Operations
An operation is a series of NC sequences that use a particular machine tool (workcell). It is also a workpiece feature that contains the following information:
Workcell to be used
Coordinate system for CL output
Comments (optional)
A set of manufacturing parameters that are used by NC sequences created within this operation (optional)
When you create the NC sequences and material removal features, they contain a reference to the current operation name. Operation setting is modal, i.e., once an operation is created, it stays current until another operation is created or activated.
A workcell is a workpiece feature that specifies a machine tool by:
A set of parameters
Turret set-up
Machine zones
Coordinate system
The workcell type you use determines the types of NC sequences that you can create (e.g., Punch Press enables you to perform Nibbling, Punch, and Form NC sequences).