What's New Creo 8.0 > What's New: Creo Parametric 8.0 > > Data Exchange > Data Exchange Support for Inseparable Assemblies and Embedded Components
Data Exchange Support for Inseparable Assemblies and Embedded Components
User Interface Location: Click File > Options > Data Exchange > Import Profile.
Release: Creo Parametric
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What is the benefit of this enhancement?
This enhancement in Creo 8.0 provides a standard import support for the assemblies that are defined as inseparable assemblies.
A new option for importing inseparable assemblies is now available in the standard import profile dialog box.
The inseparable structure is preserved when you import assemblies in Creo.
The component glyph reflects if it is an inseparable component of the assembly.
You can now update your imported assembly through ATB if the original source has been modified.
You cannot change the inseparable status manually.
The ownership of the inseparable status belongs only to the ATB update.
Breaking the ATB link (Make Independent) makes it possible to extract the components to their own file, but you lose the update capabilities.
Creo 7.0 provided the support for Creo Unite to open the assemblies that are defined as inseparable assemblies.
When you convert the Unite Creo Wrapper to a Creo model, the inseparable assembly is extracted into individual Creo files.
Currently, Creo does not support the export of inseparable assemblies to other formats.
This enhancement provides an improved support for inseparable structures when you import them into Creo.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality: