What's New Creo 8.0 > What's New: Creo Parametric 8.0 > > Part Modeling > Lightweight Representation Support for All Types of Holes
Lightweight Representation Support for All Types of Holes
Lightweight representation is now available for all hole types.
User Interface Location: Click Model > Hole.
Release: Creo Parametric
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What is the benefit of this enhancement?
There is a broadened support for the option to create holes in a lightweight representation. This option is now available for all types of the Hole feature in Creo Parametric core modeling, including the standard holes and the drilled/sketched simple holes.
Previously, lightweight representation was only available for the Hole features of the Simple type with a predefined rectangular profile, and was not available for standard holes or drilled/sketched simple holes.
This option is useful when creating holes in large numbers and designing a large hole pattern. Lightweight representation improves design efficiency through a reduced regeneration time.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration Option associated with this functionality: