Multiphase Flow for a Fuel Tank: Exercise 1—Adding the Simulation Domain
1. Click > and navigate to the FlowAnalysisModels folder. Click OK.
3. From the File Open dialog box, browse to the fuel_tank folder and select fueltank_1.asm. Click Open.
4. Click

in the Graphics toolbar to display the style elements. Select
5. Click the Applications tab.
6. Click
Flow Analysis. The
Flow Analysis tab opens.
7. Click
New Project. If the Residual plot opens, close it.
8. Click
Select Simulation Domains. The
Domain Model Selection box opens.
9. In the Domain Model Selection box, select Add fluid domain.
10. In the Model Tree select FUELLINE.PRT, TANK.PRT, and NOZZLE.PRT.
11. Middle-click to confirm. The fluid domains appear in the Domain Model Selection dialog box under Fluid Components and in the Flow Analysis Tree under Domains.