About the Spine User Interface
Warp tab consists of commands, tabs, and shortcut menus. Click > to open the
Warp tab. Select geometry to warp, and click
Spine to display the spine settings.
• References
◦ Geometry collector—Collects bodies, quilts, facets, or curves to warp.
◦ Direction collector—Collects a datum plane or coordinate system to define the direction of a warp.
• Tools
Spine—Shapes geometry by dragging control points on a curve.
• Deformations Settings
◦ Spine collector—Collects a curve to define the deformation.
Extend Curve—Extends the selected curve beyond the marquee.
Rectangular—Deforms using a rectangular marquee.
Radial—Deforms the geometry inward toward the spine, or outward away from the spine, only at the selected points, along a radius.
Axial—Deforms the geometry inward toward the spine, or outward away from the spine, symmetrically around the spine, along a radius.
• References
◦ Geometry collector—Displays the bodies or the group of curves, quilts, or facet geometry to warp.
◦ Hide Original check box—Hides the geometry of the original entity in the warp.
◦ Copy Original check box—Copies the original entity in the warp after you have completed it.
◦ Facet Preview check box—Displays a preview of the warped geometry within the feature. Facet Preview is unavailable if the selection consists only of facet geometry, curves, or both.
▪ Facet Preview slider—Increases or decreases the preview quality.
▪ Facet Preview box—Specifies a preview quality value from 0 to 100.
◦ Direction collector—Displays the coordinate system or reference plane selected for the warp.
◦ Spine collector—Sets the curve or edge that determines the spine deformation.
◦ Details button—Opens the Chain dialog box containing information about the selected curve or edge.
• List
◦ Warp list—Lists each warp procedure within the current Warp feature.
▪ ![](../../surfacing/warp/images/ncfm_cd_previous.png)
—Moves the insertion arrow to the beginning of the list.
▪ ![](../../surfacing/warp/images/ncfm_cd_playbk.png)
—Moves the insertion point back by one item.
▪ ![](../../surfacing/warp/images/ncfm_cd_play.png)
—Moves the insertion point forward by one item.
▪ ![](../../surfacing/warp/images/ncfm_cd_next.png)
—Moves the insertion arrow to the end of the list.
▪ ![](../../surfacing/warp/images/delete.png)
—Deletes the selected warp procedure from the list.
• Options
Contains the point, tangent, and scale options.
◦ Point list—Sets behavior of selected points.
▪ Free—Points move freely.
▪ H/V (Ctrl+Alt)—Points move only in a horizontal or vertical direction.
▪ Normal (Alt)—Points move normal to a selected face or plane.
◦ Tangent list—Specifies behavior of a tangent when you drag it.
▪ Free—Tangent moves freely.
▪ Length (Alt)—Only tangent length changes.
▪ Angle (Ctrl+Alt)—Only tangent angle changes.
◦ Scale box—Sets a value for control point displacement.
▪ ![](../../surfacing/warp/images/parameters16x16.png)
—Exports the parameter value for editing outside of Warp.
• Marquee
◦ First and
Second (when
Rectangular is selected)
—Exports the parameter value for editing outside of Warp.
▪ Sets the Start and End of the marquee in the first and second directions normal to the spine as a percentage of the original marquee (when Marquee Size method is Proportional).
▪ Sets the Start and Length of the marquee in the first and second directions normal to the spine as a value (when Marquee Size method is Absolute).
▪ Sets the Start Offset and End Offset of the marquee in the first and second directions normal to the spine as a value offset from the marquee start or end (when Marquee Size method is Offset).
◦ Radial and
Depth (when
Radial is selected)
—Exports the parameter value for editing outside of Warp.
▪ Sets the Start and End of the marquee radial to the spine in one direction, and at a depth in the second, as a percentage of the original marquee (when Marquee Size method is Proportional).
▪ Sets the Start and Length of the marquee radial to the spine in one direction, and at a depth in the second, as a value (when Marquee Size method is Absolute).
▪ Sets the Start Offset and End Offset of the marquee radial to the spine in one direction, and at a depth in the second, as a value offset from the marquee start or end (when Marquee Size method is Offset).
◦ Radial (when
Axial is selected)
—Exports the parameter value for editing outside of Warp.
▪ Sets the Start and End of the marquee along the spine as a percentage of the original marquee (when Marquee Size method is Proportional).
▪ Sets the Start and Length of the marquee along the spine as a value (when Marquee Size method is Absolute).
▪ Sets the Start Offset and End Offset of the marquee along the spine as a value offset from the marquee start or end (when Marquee Size method is Offset).
◦ Marquee Size list—Sets the method used to determine marquee size.
▪ Absolute—Sets the marquee size using absolute dimensions.
▪ Offset—Sets the marquee size using distance from the marquee start or end.
▪ Proportional—Sets the marquee size as a percentage relative to the original.
◦ Reset—Resets the marquee to the default size and location.
• Properties
◦ Name box—Sets a name for a Warp feature.
◦ ![](../../surfacing/warp/images/dash_info.png)
—Displays detailed component information in a browser.
Shortcut Menus
Right-click the graphics window to access shortcut menu commands.
• Geometry Collector—Activates the Geometry collector.
• Direction Collector—Activates the Direction collector.
• Spine Collector—Activates the Spine collector.
• Deactivate Collector—Dectivates the selected collector.
• Clear—Removes data from the selected collector.
• Use Boundary Tangents—Maintains tighter tangency control at boundaries.
• Transform—Activates the Transform warp type.
• Warp—Activates the Warp warp type.
• Spine—Activates the Spine warp type.
• Stretch—Activates the Stretch warp type.
• Bend—Activates the Bend warp type.
• Twist—Activates the Twist warp type.
• Sculpt—Activates the Sculpt warp type.