About the Facet Modeling User Interface
The Facet Modeling user interface consists of three tabs. The type of data you import and the phase of facet modeling you are performing determine which tab is open.
• Points tab
Reduce Noise—Moves points to the locations as determined using statistical methods.
Fill Hole—Fills gaps and holes in the model by adding new points.
Sample—Creates a sample of the points and helps produce an accurate wrap model with fewer points and less computation time.
Crop Selected—Deletes all the points outside a selected region.
Delete Outliers—Deletes points that appear offset from the main point set.
Delete Selected—Deletes all the points inside a selected region.
Add—Adds another point set to the existing point set and merge the two. This is useful when you want to close an open surface and create an object with a closed volume.
Save—Saves the point data to a
.pts file.
◦ Region Style
Inside/across box—Selects points, triangles, or facets that partially or completely lie inside the rectangular marquee.
Inside polygon—Selects points, triangles, or facets that completely lie inside the polygon.
Paintbrush—Selects points, triangles, or facets through which the stroke of the paintbrush traverses.
Inside ellipse—Selects points, triangles, or facets that completely lie inside the elliptical marquee.
Reverse Selection—Reverses the selection of points so that the points that were previously selected are not selected any more, and the points that were not previously selected are selected and highlighted.
Hide Selected—Hides the display of selected points.
Unhide All—Displays all the hidden points.
◦ Filter list—Graphically filters the points to display a percentage of the points in the point set.
Cancel—Closes the
Points tab without saving any changes.
Wrap—Creates a wrap or a triangulated mesh, and opens the
Wrap tab.
Facet—Opens the
Facet tab.
• Wrap tab
Fill Edges—Adds volume over the selected facets of the model to define sharp features that may have been blurred during the scanning operation.
Fill Up—Adds volume to the concave parts of the selected area of the model.
Fill Layer—Adds a single layer of volume to the selected area of the model.
Push Shallow—Removes selected triangles by propagating through the selected area, and exposes the underlying triangles.
Push Deep—Removes triangles by propagating through the model until the point density changes.
Shoot Through—Deletes triangles in a straight line throughout the selected area. This is done in a manner similar to drilling a hole.
Remove Webs—Removes triangles generated in the open spaces of the original point set while creating the wrap.
◦ Region Style
Inside/across box—Selects points, triangles, or facets that partially or completely lie inside the rectangular marquee.
Inside polygon—Selects points, triangles, or facets that completely lie inside the polygon.
Paintbrush—Selects points, triangles, or facets through which the stroke of the paintbrush traverses.
Inside ellipse—Selects points, triangles, or facets that completely lie inside the elliptical marquee.
Select by Length—Selects facets with an edge of length greater than or equal to the specified value.
Facets—Opens the
Facet tab.
Return to Point Phase—Returns to the Point phase from the Wrap phase, and opens the
Points tab. Available only when you import a new set of points, and is not available when you edit an existing Facet feature.
Cancel—Closes the
Wrap tab without saving any changes.
• Facet tab
Clean—Cleans the faceted geometry by creating sharp edges or by making the surface smooth.
Decimate—Reduces the number of facets.
Refine—Improves the shape of the facet model by increasing the density of facets and optionally moving facet vertices.
Relax—Makes the faceted surface smooth by changing the coordinates of the facet vertices in an iterative manner.
Offset—Offsets an entire faceted model or a subset of a facet feature.
Trim—Trims the faceted surface by using a datum plane.
Symmetry Plane—Creates a symmetry plane for the entire faceted model.
Delete—Deletes selected facets.
Fill Hole—Fills gaps in the faceted geometry such that the faceted surface is continuous.
◦ Edit Facet
Add Facet—Adds facets to the facet geometry by using the specified vertices.
Split Edge—Adds facets by splitting the selected facet edge.
Flip Edge—Reverses the orientation of two facets.
Make Manifold—Creates a manifold representation of the faceted surface.
◦ Region Style
Inside/across box—Selects points, triangles, or facets that partially or completely lie inside the rectangular marquee.
Inside polygon—Selects points, triangles, or facets that completely lie inside the polygon.
Paintbrush—Selects points, triangles, or facets through which the stroke of the paintbrush traverses.
Inside ellipse—Selects points, triangles, or facets that completely lie inside the elliptical marquee.
Select by Length—Selects facets with an edge of length greater than or equal to the specified value.
Select Connected Component—Highlights all the facets in the subset of a facet feature connected to the selected facet.
Reverse Selection—Reverses the selection of facets so that the facets that were previously selected are not selected any more, and the facets that were not previously selected are selected and highlighted.
◦ Facet Side Selection
Select Front Facets—Selects only facets at the front of the model.
Select Back Facets—Selects only facets at the back of the model.
Select Visible Only—Selects only visible facets. Does not select hidden facets.
Facet Display—Toggles the facet display.
Return to Point Phase—Returns to the Point phase from the Facet phase, and opens the
Points tab. Available only when you import a new set of points, and is not available when you edit an existing Facet feature.
Cancel—Closes the
Facet tab without saving any changes.
OK—Saves your changes and closes the
Facet tab.