To Modify a Corner Type
1. Click Modify. The Modify Pipeline dialog box opens.
You can select a corner in the graphics window, right-click, and choose Elbow or Bend from the shortcut menu. To change a bend to an elbow select it in the graphics window, right-click, and choose Create Fitting Corner from the shortcut menu. To change an elbow to a bend, you must first delete the elbow.
2. Under Active Assembly select the active assembly.
3. Under Modify Options, select Corner Type.
4. Under Corner, select the corners you want to modify.
5. In the New Type box, select a new corner type from the list.
The New Type box displays only those corner types that are specified in the Piping Specification File.
If you select a corner of type Bend, the Bend Radius box displays a default value for the bend radius. If more than one value is specified for the radius in the Piping Specification file, select the required bend radius value from the Bend Radius list.
The Bend Radius box is available only when you select the New Type as Bend.
If you select a corner of type Miter Cut, the Cut Radius box displays a default value for the cut radius. If more than one value for the radius is specified in the Piping Specification file, you can select the required radius from the Cut Radius list. After you select a cut radius, the Cut Number box displays the default value for the cut number. If more than one value is specified for the cut number in the Piping Specification file, select the required cut number value from the Cut Number list.
The Cut Radius and the Cut Number boxes are available only when you select the New Type as Miter Cut.
6. Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog box.