Creating an Auto-Selection File
Use the sample files provided at <Creo load point>\Common Files\help\sample_models\piping when working in this exercise. It is recommended that you create a copy of the piping folder on your computer and set up piping data before you start working with the tutorial.
1. Open the piping folder and set the piping_assembly folder as the Working Directory.
2. Open manifold_skid.asm.
3. Click Applications > Piping. The Piping tab opens.
4. Click Spec DB. The Define Piping Specification dialog box opens.
5. Click to create a new file. The New File dialog box opens.
6. Under Type, select Auto-selection file.
7. In the Name box, type gs_asfile.
8. Click OK to open the file.
9. Click to save the Auto-Selection file.
10. Click File > Exit.