About Geometry Patterns
A geometry pattern creates a pattern of the geometry that you select, including surfaces, bodies, curves, datums, or annotations in the current part. Each pattern member is a Copy Geometry feature that creates a copy of the referenced geometry.
You can define the way that the pattern members attach to the base geometry. You can define whether to add or remove geometry. For details about attachment options, see About the Geometry Pattern User Interface.
When patterning solid surfaces, the geometry of the pattern members is added to the same body as the pattern leader, or is cut from the same body as the pattern leader.
The same pattern types are available for geometry patterns as for other patterns, with these exceptions:
Dimension and Reference pattern types are not available for geometry patterns.
You cannot create a Table pattern directly as a geometry pattern. You must first create the pattern as a different pattern type, and then change the pattern type to Table during editing.
For details about patterning bodies, see About Patterning Bodies.