Manufacturing > Manufacturing > Turning > To Define the Cut Extensions
To Define the Cut Extensions
Cut extensions have to be specified for Area and Groove turning NC sequences. They define the area of the cut in conjunction with the stock boundary and turn profile, creating a closed region to be turned. After you define the cut by either creating or selecting a Turn Profile, start and end points of the cut are highlighted, an arrow shows the default cut extension direction. You can change cut extension directions in the graphics window as follows:
Select the directional arrow in the graphics window. The arrowhead moves to the next valid direction in a clockwise fashion.
Right-click and select No Extension or Next Extension. If there is no extension, right-click and select Add Extension.
You can also change cut extensions by selecting options from EXT DIR menu for 4–axis Area Turning cuts or the Area Turning Cut dialog box for other Area Turning cuts.
Positive Z—Extend the cut at the highlighted endpoint parallel to the turning axis, in the direction of the Z-axis of the NC sequence coordinate system.
Negative Z—Extend the cut at the highlighted endpoint parallel to the turning axis, in the direction opposite to that of the Z-axis of the NC sequence coordinate system.
Positive X—Extend the cut at the highlighted endpoint perpendicular to the turning axis, in the direction of the X-axis of the NC sequence coordinate system.
Negative X—Extend the cut at the highlighted endpoint perpendicular to the turning axis, in the direction opposite to that of the X-axis of the NC sequence coordinate system.
None—Do not extend the cut at the highlighted endpoint. None is generally used when the ends of the turn profile lie on or beyond the workpiece such that a closed area is complete, or when the point lies on the turning axis.
If the cut endpoint or start point is located on the turning axis, you have to specify None for cut extension at this point.
If you are defining a 4–axis Area turning sequence, you are prompted to specify the cut extensions. When prompted, select the EXT DIR check box on the PROF EXT menu to specify the cut extensions.