To Merge Steps Manually
1. Select the steps you want to merge, using the SHIFT or CTRL key. The steps must be consecutive, that is, immediately follow each other in the Process view.
2. In the Process Table menu bar, click Edit > Merge. You can also right-click on the steps and select Merge from the shortcut menu. The Merge command is only available if the selected steps satisfy all the merge requirements.
Creo NC creates the merge group with a default name such as MERGE001, and hides the original steps under it. You can see the original steps if you expand the merge group in a Process view.
The merge group generates an optimized tool path that machines all the holes included in the merged steps.
You can modify the name of the merge group by typing the new name in the Name column of the Process Table.
You can also edit the merge group by clicking on the toolbar below the Process Table, similar to editing a Holemaking step.
When you edit a merge group, the original steps remain unchanged. To un-group a merge group, select the merge group, right-click and select Explode. You can also delete a merge group. To delete a merge group, select the group in the Process Table, right-click, and select Delete from the shortcut menu. While you delete a merge group, Creo NC prompts you to confirm the deletion by selecting all the group members. When you confirm the merge group deletion, Creo NC deletes the entire merge group.