Manufacturing > Manufacturing > Shop Floor Report > To Generate a Shop Floor Report
To Generate a Shop Floor Report
1. Ensure that you have set the following configuration options:
2. Click Applications > Process Documentation. The Process Documentation dialog box opens.
3. Select one of the following Parameter setup options for the report. Parameter setup defines whether the table views for the Process Document and Tool Setup Document are based on the Process Manager or Process Documentation.
Process Document Defaults—Uses a view list for Process Documentation.
Process Manager Defaults—Uses a view list from the Process Manager.
—Uses the Process View Builder to define column views for Process Documentation or for the Process Manager.
4. Click Report by operation to generate a shop floor report for every operation. Otherwise, a report is generated for the entire manufacturing model.
5. Select a view. The list of views depends on whether you selected Process Document Defaults or Process Manager Defaults during parameter setup.
6. Click Tool setup and select a view to include a tool setup sheet in the shop floor report.
7. Click Manufacturing model image to include a thumbnail of the manufacturing model at the top of the report.
8. Click Step image to include a thumbnail of each process step in the first column.
9. If required, change the size for the thumbnail. The default is 800x600 pixels.
10. Click Tool image to include a thumbnail of an illustration of the tool in the second column.
11. Click Solid tool image to include images of the solid tools used in the operation. Images are stored in the respective image folder for the report.
12. If required, change the size for the solid tool image. The default is 800x600 pixels.
13. To export the manufacturing model as Creo View viewables, that is, as .ed and .ol files, click Export Creo View viewables.
14. Click Create. The shop floor report appears in the Creo Parametric browser.
15. Click Close.