About Cuts and Slots in Boards
Creating ECAD Cuts and Slots
You can create, edit, import, and collaborate on ECAD cuts and slots. ECAD cuts and slots are created on a board and have an ECAD MCAD ID. Individual cuts or slots are created in an ECAD Cuts feature that contains one or more cuts or slots.
In the Model Tree,
• ![](../../electrical_design/ecad/images/ecad_cuts16x16.png)
—Identifies an ECAD Cuts feature
• ![](../../electrical_design/ecad/images/ecad_cut16x16.png)
—Identifies an individual cut
• ![](../../electrical_design/ecad/images/ecad_slot16x16.png)
—Identifies an individual slot
• ![](../../electrical_design/ecad/images/hdn_ecad_cut16x16.png)
—Identifies a consumed cut
• ![](../../electrical_design/ecad/images/hdn_ecad_slot16x16.png)
—Identifies a consumed slot
Use the ECAD Cuts tool to do the following on individual cuts or slots in an ECAD Cuts feature:
• Create a new ECAD cut or slot.
• Consume an existing cut or slot while maintaining the ECAD_MCAD ID of the consumed cut. When you consume a cut or a slot, the sketch entities of the consumed cut or slot are deleted. You create or select new sketch entities to change the shape and placement of the consumed cut or slot.
• Remove an ECAD cut or slot from the board.
To view the ECAD MCAD IDs in the Model Tree, display the ECAD_MCAD_CREATION_ID_STRING and ECAD_MCAD_ID_CREATION_TOOL Model Tree columns. (To display ECAD parameters in the Model Tree click > . The Model Tree Columns dialog box opens. Select ECAD Params from the Type list.)
Use the Search Tool to find ECAD cuts or slots when you work in a tool.
You can add parameters to an individual cut or slot in an active board part.
Importing and Exporting Cuts and Slots
You can import and export ECAD cuts and slots with an IDX file (EDMD version 3 and above) when they have an ECAD MCAD ID. All cuts in the imported file are imported as one cuts feature that includes multiple individual cuts. Slots are imported as a separate cut feature. Attributes are imported along with the cut or slot. Hole filtering functionality on import is not applicable for slots. An imported slot cannot be converted to a hole or a cut. Cuts and slots without an ECAD MCAD ID are imported and exported as part of the board outline.
An ECAD slot is a specific type of ECAD cut. It has an attribute to identify it as a slot.
Changes to a cut or slot, such as add, move, delete are supported for Collaboration. When a slot has a location or center, the add or move transactions are placed relative to its location or center. Cuts and slots are supported for getting, proposing, and sending changes.