About Opening CAD Documents in Creo Applications
You can open Windchill objects and CAD Documents in Creo applications from the Creo embedded browser or a standalone browser. You can open the server objects and the CAD Documents in their native Creo applications or additional Creo applications from their locations in the workspace or the commonspace of the Windchill server.
For example, from a Creo embedded browser or a standalone browser, you can open a CAD Document of file type .prt in its native Creo Parametric application or other valid applications such as Creo Direct and Creo Simulate. To open a server object or a CAD Document from a standalone browser, you must log in and register a Windchill server in the standalone browser. Activating the workspace on the registered server is optional.
You can access the browser actions to open server objects and CAD Documents from the following locations where Windchill objects and CAD Documents are visible in the Creo embedded browser or the standalone browser:
• The workspace
• The Folder page
• The search results page
• The CAD Document Property Page (CDPP)
After you select a server object or a CAD Document in a server location, you can use one of the following options in the Creo embedded browser or the standalone browser to open the server object or CAD Document in the Creo application that is in session:
• The
Open in Creo icon (

) from the Actions column of the server object or CAD Document
• The > option from the Actions menu
• The > action on the shortcut menu that opens when you right-click the CAD Document or object on the Windchill page
With Open in Creo, you can open the server objects and CAD Documents in Creo applications such as Creo Parametric, Creo Simulate, and Creo View.