Diseños eléctricos > Diseños eléctricos > Defining Symbols in Diagram > To Define a Drawing Symbol for a Component or Connector
To Define a Drawing Symbol for a Component or Connector
1. Click Format > Symbol Gallery. The DEFINITION menu appears.
2. Click Define.
3. At the prompt, type a new symbol name and press ENTER. The (SYM_EDIT_<NAME>) drawing window opens and the SYMBOL EDIT menu appears.
4. Access the Drawing tools to create the shape for the connector.
5. When you have created the symbol shape, click Insert > Node. The SYMBOL NODE menu appears.
6. Click Make Node. You are prompted to specify a node name.
7. Type a name or number for the node at the prompt in the drawing window and press ENTER. You are prompted select a point on the drawing and to name the next node. Name the node or middle-click to end the command. Node points are added as small circles. Click Done. The Symbol Definition Attributes dialog box opens.
Use the General tab to set origin points for the symbol and leaders you may attach to it. Use the Symbol instance height options to determine whether the symbol can be scaled or should remain of fixed dimensions. Use the Attributes check boxes to allow angle or mirror attributes.
8. When you are finished with the Symbol Definition Attributes dialog box, click OK.
9. To add connector or component parameters to the symbol definition, click SYMBOL EDIT > Parameters > Read. The READ SYM PRM menu appears. Use any of the following commands to read in parameters of the diagram objects:
Comp Default—Allows to read in default parameter set for a component.
Conn Default—Allows to read in default parameter set for a connector.
Other—Opens a browser to read in a previously-saved parameter file.
10. Click Done in the SYMBOL EDIT menu. The symbol is created.
You cannot use this procedure to add a symbol instance to the diagram. Use Insert > Drawing Symbol > Custom to add instances.