Selecting Entities in Facet Modeling
Various tools are available for selecting entities. Depending on the Facet Modeling phase that you are working on and the tool that you use, you can select points, vertices, edges, or facets.
Selecting Entities Using Marquee Selection
Click Region Style and select a selection marquee from the menu. The following selection marquees are available.
Selection Marquee
Inside/across box
Selects points, triangles, or facets that partially or completely lie inside the rectangular marquee.
Inside polygon
Selects points, triangles, or facets that completely lie inside the polygon.
Selects points, triangles, or facets through which the stroke of the paintbrush traverses.
Inside ellipse
Selects points, triangles, or facets that completely lie inside the elliptical marquee.
Selection of Entities in Different Phases of Facet Modeling
In addition to the marquee selection, you can select entities in different phases of Facet Modeling using these methods:
Facet Modeling Phase
Selection Command
Reverse Selection
Reverses the selection of points that you select using any of the selection marquees.
Select by Length
Selects triangles with a length equal to or more than the specified length.
Select by Length
Selects facets with a length equal to or more than the specified length.
Reverse Selection
Reverses the selection of facets that you select using any of the selection marquees or selection methods.