Основы > Совместная работа > Creo Browser > About Undocking the Creo Browser
About Undocking the Creo Browser
You can undock the Creo browser from the Creo window and relocate the browser to another window for a session of Creo. You can then simultaneously view the workspace and the modeling area in separate windows and utilize maximum screen space, especially in a dual display configuration.
To undock and detach the Creo browser that is embedded in the Creo window, you must set the web_browser_in_separate_window configuration option before you begin the Creo session. You can then drag the browser to the standalone window of the dual display setup. The models, drawings, designs, and applications that you open in Creo can also be displayed in the standalone window with the undocked browser. You can use the Alt and the Tab keys to switch between the docked and the undocked browser windows displaying the models and applications in session.
The undocked browser that is displayed in the standalone window offers the same functions and capabilities that it has when it is embedded in the Creo window. You can register Windchill servers. When you are connected to Windchill servers, all server commands are also available in the undocked Creo browser. You can browse the workspace and commonspace of a server, access Common Folders, and use the Favorites, History, and Search tabs in the separate standalone window that displays the undocked Creo browser. You can open a model from a server in the docked Creo window and the Creo window with the model in session is brought to the foreground. Similarly, if a task requires interaction in the Creo browser, the standalone window with the undocked Creo browser is brought to the foreground. You can also drag items in an undocked browser window and drop them in the Creo window.
The standard Windows controls to maximize, minimize, and close windows are the same for the undocked and the docked Creo browser windows. Right-click a tab on the address bar of the undocked Creo browser and click Customize Browser to specify the navigation tabs and browser settings on the Window Settings tab of the Options dialog box. You can close and reopen the undocked browser window. If you accidently close the undocked browser window, you can click File > Manage Session > Open linked browser to reopen the undocked browser window and the browser tabs.