About Creo Intelligent Fastener File Structure
The Creo Intelligent Fastener file structure is separated into two folders. Both folders are located in the directory which you specify with the Creo Intelligent Fastener configuration option PATH_ABS_LIBRARY.
One folder is for catalog information and the other folder is for all fastener data information.
Contains catalog information. The catalog files and the catalog icons are located in this folder.
FOLDER_FOR_FASTENER_DATA—Contains all fastener data information. The template parts, fastener data files, fastener icons, and relation files are located in this folder.
Using Subdirectories
Placing all files directly in the folder FOLDER_FOR_FASTENER_DATA without using subdirectories is recommended. However, if your preference is to use subdirectories to structure your fastener data you can use them. Naming conventions and other information about subdirectories is provided below:
For folder names you must use fastener types such as screws, washers, nuts, inserts, or pins and catalog names. For example: screws/mm
If a file is located in a subdirectory then it is only available for the specified catalog or fastener type. As a result, you can use different files with the same name for different catalogs and fastener types.
If the file is located in FOLDER_FOR_FASTENER_DATA, it can be accessed by all catalogs and types.
If you want to upload the fastener instance data files to Windchill the file names must be unique and you cannot use subdirectories.