판금 > Creo NC 판금 > Interactive Path Control > To Create or Redefine an Operation
To Create or Redefine an Operation
1. Click Oper in the SMT MFG MACHINING dialog box.
2. If some operations have already been set up, a namelist menu appears with the names of all existing operations. The current operation is highlighted. Click Operate > Redefine to redefine the operation.
3. Click Wrkcell in the SMT MFG MACHINING dialog box. Select one or more of the following options:
Create—Set up a new workcell.
Retrieve—Retrieve a previously defined workcell into the manufacturing process.
Csys—Specify a coordinate system for CL data output.
Comments—Add operation comments (see below).
Parameters—Initialize parameters at the operation level. The parameters that you can initialize at this point are: NCL_FILE, PRE_MACHINING_FILE, and POST_MACHINING_FILE.
Zones—Specify machine zone for the workcell.
4. Click the Wrkcell tab in the SMT MFG MACHINING dialog box to choose a workcell associated with an active operation.
5. Select the required workcell.
6. Click the Oper tab. The workcell name is displayed next to the operation.