제조 > Expert Machinist > Machining Features > To Set Tool Path Properties
To Set Tool Path Properties
1. In a feature machining dialog box (for example, Pocket Milling), click Tool Path Properties.
The Tool Path Properties dialog box opens. It contains five tabs: CL Commands, Feed Rates, Clearance, Entry/Exit, and Cut Control. Each tab lists the options and values that define your machining strategy. Initially, the Tool Path Properties dialog box contains either the default system values, or, if you are placing a machining template or mimicking a Tool Path, the values from the template or the original Tool Path, respectively.
2. On the appropriate tabs of the Tool Path Properties dialog box, select the desired options and type values, as needed.
On the Feed Rates tab, each feed rate has two fields: the first one lists the available methods of specifying this feed rate, the second one is a text box with the actual value:
RAPID—The system will output the RAPID command for these moves. The corresponding Feed Rate text box is then empty and grayed out.
Enter—Type the desired value in the corresponding Feed Rate text box.
From Tool—The system retrieves the cutting data stored with the tool. This option is available only if the tool contains associated cutting data. The corresponding Feed Rate text box lists the retrieved value and is grayed out.
The Speed setting on the CL Commands tab and the Depth of Cut and Stepover settings on the Cut Control tab also have a From Tool option, which utilizes the cutting data stored with the tool.
3. When you have changed all the necessary settings, click OK.
The system closes the Tool Path Properties dialog box and brings you back to the feature machining dialog box, where you can verify you selections by clicking Play Path.