Guidelines for Tying Graphs
Follow these guidelines when tying two graphs:
• Both graphs must have the same location category for the X axis and the same quantity category for the Y axis, no matter which command you select. For example:
◦ In Structure, you can tie a graph using XX component of Stress for the quantity to a second graph using Max Principal, but not to a second graph using Magnitude component of Displacement or Measure as the quantity.
◦ In Thermal, you can tie a graph using X component of Temp Gradient for the quantity to a second graph using Temp Gradient Mag, but not to a second graph using Flux Mag or Measure as the quantity.
• If Iteration is the location, you cannot use the Tie Loc or Tie Both commands.
• If two graphs use different types of values on either axis—that is, if one is linear and one is logarithmic—you cannot tie them. See the description of the
Log Scale check box for more information.